Following Jesus | Building Community | Sharing Hope
Church on Sundays 10:30am
Welcome to Alma church. We’re glad you’re here to have a look around.
Not all churches are the same and none are perfect, but there are some fabulous groups of really genuine and honest people who have accepted a relationship with God through Jesus and are forming a new family of people, called a church, united together across racial and cultural backgrounds through a real and life changing relationship with Jesus.
We’re one of those new families and love to welcome new people, whatever your previous church experience or if you have none. We have people in the church from all kinds of church backgrounds and others with no church background at all. All are loved and welcomed just the same.
What unites us is a passion to be faithful to Jesus. That’s us in a nutshell. Jesus loved us and gave himself for us at the cross, so faithfulness is simply another way of saying we love him and want to live thankful lives for what he did. This has two important knock ons at Alma. Love is central - since this is the kind of life Jesus asks us to live. And the bible is central. The bible is not an ordinary book. Read it with an open heart and you’ll find it knows you. It is a book from God - in fact His introduction to himself. A personal love letter to us. Jesus thought so and so do we. So the bible is totally central at Alma and we explore it and seek to follow it in everything we do.
That makes Sundays what they are. Jesus asks us to remember him in a simple meal of bread and wine - so that’s the first thing we do on Sundays from 10.30 - 11.00. The whole church family (children included) share a simple time around Jesus, including singing, a short talk and communion - which really just means ‘spending time with Jesus’. It’s important to us that everyone can enjoy this simple time together to keep Jesus right at the heart of church life. This time is designed for people exploring Jesus for the first time and experienced Christians.
And then we do something else important to Jesus - we make sure we’re looking out for each other and so we then spend 15 minutes or so over coffee catching up. You’re welcome to leave at this point if you only wanted to come to the 30 minute service, although most people stay on for the bible teaching session that follows from about 11.20 (with fun provision for children and a creche available during this time). Scroll down for our current series of talks. So we basically focus on staying close to Jesus, staying close to his truth in the bible, and loving one another - and our community, neighbours and friends, just as Jesus asked.
We also believe in prayer. That God listens and loves to answer. And in trying to reach as many people as possible with the news of Jesus.
So that’s us. A growing family of people united by Jesus. We have some other distinctives but we hope that gives you enough information to come along and see for yourself. Oh yes, you may want to know that we have almost every age, stage of life and professions/jobs here. And babies, toddlers, teens, students, and whatever the rest of us are called. Oh yes, and we have an annual (very optional) camping holiday together :)
You really would be very welcome.
Where? Alma Church, Alma Road, Clifton, BS8 2ES. Along from Clifton Down Shopping Centre, on the corner of St John’s Road – you can’t miss us!
When? 10.30am – 12noon every Sunday.
One of the things we do when we get together each Sunday is to delve deeply into the Bible to know Jesus better - and the love, hope and foundation he gives us. Our current series of talks takes us through an ancient letter (AD62) written to the early Christian community in Philippi. In a world filled with dysphoria, anxiety and escapism this letter explains where true joy and lasting peace are found.
Philippians Jesus - the Joy of the saints
Just looking?
It’s good to have questions. There are many secularism cannot answer. Why do we know it is better to love than hate? Why do we feel so deeply that our lives should matter? Why do we feel angry about injustice? Or even notice it in the first place? Why do we think, feel, care?
All these questions - and the evidence of history - eventually lead to Jesus
It’s good to have questions. If you would like to chat them through please get in touch or join us at Church. We would love to meet you!