Downloads - to end 2022
An Invitation to Find Connection
Through Christmas Bible Stories
The ancient prophecy says, God will give you a sign…
a son called Immanuel which means
God is with us
4th Dec - God is with us in our Hopes
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Luke 1:5-20
11th Dec - God is with us in our Dreams
Speaker: Lynsey and Tony Ingleton
Reading: Matthew 2:18
18th Dec - God is with us on our Travels
Speaker: Tom Dove
Reading: Luke 2:8-20
25th Dec - God is with us in Person
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Luke 2:25-35
1st Jan 2023 - No Service
8th Jan 2023 - God is with us Still, Whatever Comes Next
Speaker: Jonathan Moseley
Reading: Matthew 2:13-23
Join the Resistance
Autumn 2022
Jesus says that the greatest commandment is to
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
And the second is like it; Love your neighbour as yourself.’
Within those ancient words there is a call from God to…
Love Differently
6th Nov - Love Your Enemies… How? Help!
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Matthew 5:38-48
13th Nov - Sharing God’s Love - All Invited
Speaker: Roscoe Crawley
Reading: John 1:43-51
20th Nov - What is Love anyway?
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
Speaker: Neil Edbrooke
Reading: Psalm 139
When you look at our world what do you see? Is this the only way it can be?
Since ancient times, God has been inviting us to…
Look Differently
at the World!
9th Oct - Creation Care and Thanksgiving
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Isaiah 11:6-9
16th Oct - How to See More Clearly
Speaker: John Mark Molyneux
Reading: Luke 7:36-50
23rd Oct - Who is the Greatest?
Speaker: Tom Dove
Reading: Luke 22:24-30
30th Oct - What Do You Treasure?
Speaker: Lynsey Ingleton
Reading: Luke 12:13-21, 33b-34
Not all the ways of our world are working well, are they? Since ancient times, God has called people to live a different kind of life, a life of freedom and fruitfulness, drawn by love, not driven by fear. Even now, Jesus calls everyone who wants, to follow him and…
Live Differently!
4th Sept - The Call to Live Differently
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Exodus 6:6-8, Matthew 16:24-28 and 28:18-20
11th Sept - Whose Wisdom are We Listening to?
Speaker: Tom Dove
Reading: Psalm 19:7-11, Matthew 7:24-29; James 1:22-25
18th Sept - What’s Driving Us?
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Exodus 5:4-19, Matthew 6:24
25th Sept - What are We Trusting in?
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Exodus 16:1-5, 13-24, Matthew 6:25-34
2nd Oct - How do We Find Real Rest?
Speaker: Jo Appleton
Reading: Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11, Matthew 11:28-30
Summer Sundays 2022
August Sundays
The Word of God is Living and Active
Each week in August, local people will be telling their own stories about how God’s words have brought them encouragement and guidance, comforted them in times of trouble, changed how they see the world, and helped them to find peace.
Would you like some of that too? Listen here:
7th August - Hear how receiving some words from God affected the lives of Sally and Ashlee. The words of God land like seeds in our lives. Over years they live in us and grow and produce good fruit which we can see.
14th August - God is with us for the long haul. He encourages us all the time to keep going and to hold on to his love and truth when things are tough. Hear how God’s words have helped Rachel and Tony in the journey of their lives so far.
21st August - God is steady and consistent. He is always waiting to answer when we call, even when our cry is feeble. He is waiting to meet us in his word and in our spirit. Hear how God’s word has spoken in times of need to Harriet and Sophie, lighting the way and encouraging them to trust him.
28th August - The possibility of Transformation and the offer of Grace are two of the greatest and most life changing facets of the Christian Life! Hear how 2 longstanding members of our church family, Dave Price and Ruth, got hold of those truths through words of the Bible and lived from the experience of them in their own lives.
July Sundays
24th July - Be the Answer to Someone’s Prayers
Speaker: Dave Day
Reading: Matt 6:9-13
31st July - Fountains and Crowns
Speaker: Lynsey Ingleton
Reading: John 7:38
Acts Happened
The Book of Acts shows us what happened when people encountered the Spirit of Jesus and started to do the stuff for themselves… It was risky, it got messy!
God doesn’t mind mess - He says come and see…
Speaker: Angela Moesely
Reading: Acts 2:1-8, 12-21
Speaker: Rob Scott-Cook
Reading: Acts 8:26-40
Speaker: Lynsey Ingleton
Reading: Acts 9:1-19a
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Acts 6:1-7
Speaker: Jamie Davies
Reading: Acts 5:12-21a
Speaker: Tom Dove
Reading: Acts 4:1-22, 31
Speaker: David Mitchell
Reading: Acts 8:4-25
Build Back Blessed
Many years ago, in a land far away, a man called Haggai lived among people who had been through upheaval and turmoil. They were rebuilding their lives as best they could, but it wasn’t satisfying them.
Then Haggai heard a message for them, and us, from God himself:
I am with you. This is how to build for Satisfaction and Blessing!
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Haggai 1:1
8th May - Let’s Look at Our Lives
Speaker: Peter Hatton
Reading: Haggai 1:1-15
15th May - Can Life Really Be Good Again?
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Haggai 2:1-9
22nd May - Step this Way for Blessing
Speaker: Jonathan Moseley
Reading: Haggai 2:10-19
29th May - Where Does God Call Home?
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Haggai 2:20-23
Looking for a Change?
Meet the Disrupter
6th March - An End to Isolation
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Mark 1:35-45
13th March - Get Ready for Change
Speaker: Tom Dove
Reading: Mark 1:1-15
20th March - Hope: Our Confidence for Things not yet Seen
Speaker: Lynsey Ingleton
Reading: Hebrews 9:28 (ESV)
27th March - Can Anyone Rule this World Well?
Speaker: Tim Dobson
Reading: Mark 1:15 and 4:21-34
3rd April - Who would be your ‘Saviour’?
Speaker: Jonathan Moseley
Reading: Mark 8:27-38
Palm Sunday - 10th April
Can we be Reconciled?
Speaker: Andrew Street
Reading: Mark 14:17-31
Good Friday - 15th April
The Ultimate Power Encounter
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: from Mark 15
Easter Sunday - 17th April
Dead People Don’t Disappear…
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Mark 16:1-8
24th April - Want to know the Future?
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Mark 13:1-8 and 23-37
True Stories to Encourage Us All
13th February - Be an Encourager
Speaker: Hartmut Kopsch
Reading: Acts 11:19-26, Acts 15:36-40
20th February - Praising God in All Circumstances
Speaker: Bart Gee
Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:8-10
27th February - We All Have a Story
Speaker: Everyone is invited to share their story!
Building Community - Finding a HOME
9th January - Rhythm and Direction
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Romans 12:1-8
16th January - Unity with Diversity
Speaker: Dave Roderick
Reading: Acts 15:1-11
23rd January - Friends who Care
Speaker: Tom Dove
Reading: Galatians 6:1-10
30th January - Faith without Frontiers
Speaker: Rob Judson
Reading: Ephesians 2:14-22
6th February - At Home with Ourselves
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: 1 John 3:1-3
Downloads - 2021
5th December - Once in Royal David’s City
Speaker: John Proctor
Reading: Luke 1:26-33 & 2:1-7
12th December - Hark! The Herald-Angels Sing
Speaker: Tom Dove
Reading: Philippians 2:5-11
19th December - Away in a Manger
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: Luke 2:1-7 & Genesis 15:5
25th December - O Come, All Ye Faithful
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: John 1:1-15
26th December - Good King Wenceslas
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Acts 6:1-5
2nd January 2022 - We Three Kings of Orient Are
Speaker: Jonathan Moseley
Reading: Matthew 2:1-22
Many people came to Jesus for HELP. What did he say? Can his answers help us too?
7th November - How can I know I’m a good person?
Speaker: Peter Hatton
Reading: Luke 18: 18-30
14th November - How can I feel satisfied in life?
Speaker: Angela Moseley
Reading: John 4: 4-29
21st November - How can I get well?
Speaker: Leon Cane
Reading: Matthew 9: 18-34
28th November - How can I find peace?
Speaker: Jonathan Moseley
Reading: 1 Kings 19: 1-18; John 14:27
The HOPE that we have…
Guidance from the Garden
Psalms, Ephesians, Revelations
Our series for summer 2021
27 June - Jonathan Moseley - Psalm 30 (recording unavailable)
29 August - Jonathan Moseley - Revelations 13: 1-18 (recording unavailable)
Narrative Lectionary - Luke
The Narrative Lectionary follows the story of the bible over a four year period. It picks out the main moments in the story of scripture and gives an overview of the bible. This term we'll be looking at stories in the Book of Luke.
3rd January - Leon Cane - "Boy in the Temple" - Luke 2:41-52
10th January - Simon Rotheram - "Jesus' Baptism" - Luke 3:1-22
17th January - Pam Scott-Cook - "Sermon at Nazareth" - Luke 4:14-30
24th January - Simon Rotheram - "Fish for People" - Luke 5: 1-11
31st January - Dr Tom Dove - "Healing on the Sabbath" - Luke 6: 1-16
7th February - John Proctor - "Raising the Widow's Son" - Luke 7: 1-17
14th February - Leon Cane - "Transfiguration" - Luke 9:28-45
21st February - Andy Craig - "The Good Samaritan" - Luke 10:25-42
28th February - Simon Rotheram - "Lament over Jerusalem" - Luke 13: 1-9, 31-35
7th March - Liz Ogborne - "The Parable of a Father Reconciling Estranged Siblings" - Luke 15: 1-32
14th March - Angela Moseley - "The Rich Man and Lazarus" - Luke 16: 19-31
21st March - Simon Rotheram- "Zacchaeus" - Luke 18:31 - 19:10
28th March - Simon Rotheram- "Triumphal Entry" - Luke 19: 29-44
4th April - Tom Dove- "Resurrection" - Luke 24: 1-12
11th April - John Proctor - "Emmaeus Road" - Luke 24: 13-35
18th April - Simon Rotheram - "Stephen's Witness" - Acts 6:1-7:2a, 44-60
25th April - Neil Edbrooke - "Ethiopian Eunuch Baptised" - Acts 8: 26-39
2nd May - Leon Cane - "Council at Jerusalem" - Acts 15: 1-18
9th May - Jamie Davies - "Living by Faith" - Galatians 1:13-17; 2:11-21
16th May - Simon Rotheram - "One in Christ" - Galatians 3:1-9, 23-29
23rd May - Tom Dove- "Pentecost: Fruits of the Spirit" - Acts 2:1-4; Galatians 4:1-7 [5:16-26]
Downloads - 2020
Narrative Lectionary - Old Testament
The Narrative Lectionary follows the story of the bible over a four year period. It picks out the main moments in the story of scripture and gives an overview of the bible. This term we'll be looking at stories in the Old Testament.
Due to adjusting to a new way of doing things as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, sermons from April-September 2020 were not recorded.
4th October - Simon Rotheram - "The Promise of Passover" - Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8
11th October - Dr Glenn Balfour - "Golden Calf" - Exodus 32:1-14
18th October - Simon Rotheram - "God Answers Hannah" - 1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10
25th October - Tom Dove - "God's Promise to David" - 2 Samuel 7:1-17
1st November - Simon Rotheram - "God's Care for the Widow" - 1 Kings 17:1-16
8th November - Leon Cane - "Jonah and God's Mercy" - Jonah 1:1-17; 3:1-10 [4:1-11]
15th November - Simon Rotheram - "God Calls Isaiah" - Isaiah 6:1-8
22nd November - Simon Rotheram - "God Promises a New Covenant" - Jeremiah 36:1-8, 21-23, 27-28; then 31:31-34
29th November - Rob Judson - "Daniel's Hope in God" - Daniel 6:6-28
6th December - John Proctor - "Joel: God's Promised Spirit" - Joel 2: 12-13, 25-29
13th December - Simon Rotheram - "Spirit of the Lord upon Me" - Isaiah 61:1-11
20th December - Liz Ogborne - "Mary" - Luke 1:26-45
27th December - Angela Moseley - "Simeon and Anna" - Luke 2:21-38
The Ministry of Jesus According to Mark
Mark's account of the life and ministry of Jesus is the shortest of the four gospels, yet it is packed full of drama, in signs, wonders and teaching. Through his work, Mark wants us to encounter Jesus 'The Messiah', who came proclaiming God's Kingdom, and showed what it looked like in ordinary, day-to day lives. Modern readers, like the first disciples, are left with the same question that Jesus asked Peter (Mk 8:29), "Who do you say I am?" May we, over the coming weeks, through what we read, hear and discuss, discover more of this Jesus and his Kingdom, which is both here and on its way.
5th January - Simon Rotheram - "Jesus' Ministry Begun" - Mark 1:21-45
12th January - Simon Rotheram - "Jesus Heals and Teaches" - Mark 2:1-22
19th January - David Mitchell - "Parables in Mark" - Mark 4
26th January - Simon Rotheram - "Jesus and the Gerasene" - Mark 4:35-41 & 5:1-20
2nd February - Jonathan Moseley - "Jairus' Daughter Healed" - Mark 5:21-6:6
9th February - Simon Rotheram - "Death of John the Baptist" - Mark 6:1-29
16th February - Helen Paynter - "That Which Defiles" - Isaiah 1:10-20 & Mark 7:1-23
23rd February - Simon Rotheram - "Transfiguration" - Mark 8:27-9:8
8th March - Rob Scott-Cook - "First Last and Last First" - Mark 10:17-31
15th March - Julian Marsh - "Bartimaeus Healed" - Mark 10:32-52
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